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· Keystroke Logger,ProductivityTracker,MonitoringSoftware

Since last year's COVID pandemic, most of the organizations are still working remotely, and the managers are facing a hard time when it comes to monitoring their working activities. So, they have taken the initiative to install Keystroke Loggers in their employees' systems to keep an eye on their work procedure.

Key loggers are the hardware or software that the firms use to monitor the working of the keyboard. In short, it keeps a detailed record of the operations performed in the keyboard as per its usage. Some updated key loggers offer automatic screen records to examine your employees and know about their working procedures, and keep the data stored to check it in the future. But this is not it, because there are numerous benefits, pros, and cons of such loggers, and we will witness the same in today's article.

What Benefits Does The User Get?

  • Keeps A Check On Internet Usage:

Apart from monitoring the keyboard, such Keystroke Loggers also keep track of the internet usage of the employees. They get a detailed record of the number of visited sites, along with their browsing histories. It helps employers to find out how much time their employees are spending on the internet.

  • Tracks Productivity:

For every firm, whether working remotely or not, productivity is essential. It's the only source of generating revenue by their employees. So, such software also tracks the productivity of the employees and differentiates between productive and non-productive employees.

  • Works As A Time Tracking App:

Now you don't need to install any additional software to keep a check of time taken by the workers to finish any assigned task. Not only this, but it also tracks the working and non-working hours of the workers. It helps the managers to find out which workers are hard-working and which are not.

  • No More Insider Threats:

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Since all of the company's data and creds are accessible to every employee working in the firm, insider threats have increased. You don't know which employee can stab you in the back and leak all the confidential data to any other rival firm. So, installing the logger can help you save from such threats.

  • Backup Documents:

Keyloggers help the employers to monitor the keyboard's usage by their employees. Hence, such loggers keep a complete backup of the data for the managers to access it later. Overall, it's software with multi-functional benefits.

So, I think the benefits are clear to my readers now. Let's move on to know some positive and negative sides of keyloggers.


  • Automatic Screenshots: Installing such software gives you the additional benefits of capturing automatic screenshots to have a record and proof of your employee's work. You can catch them red-handed along with evidence because of such a fabulous feature.

  • Increases Productivity: Once you install the software and differentiate between the working and non-working employees, your productivity increases, as you will be investing your money in the right horse.

  • Helping With Their Queries: You can find the difficulties they face while keeping an eye on them. And you can guide them accordingly, which results in the increment of productivity of the firm.

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  • Lack Of Trust: There can be a thought in your employee's mind that there is a lack of trust among the working staff. But, you must convey about the other significant benefits the software will provide their firm.

  • Legal Issues: If any employee claims for legal actions on the thought of keeping an eye on their activities, you have the right to say employee monitoring is legal in the eyes of the law. But, you must convey to your workers about the monitoring laws while joining your firm.

Final Verdict:

Hence, Keystroke Loggers are quite beneficial for the firms to install it in their worker's system. I hope that my today's article helped you understand everything about keyloggers. So, give it a try!